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Human Composting – The Future of the Funeral Industry?

We are all mortal. When we leave this world, what happens with our remains can make a difference. According to Jim Spiewak of KUTV, Salt Lake City, Senate Bill 102, has been introduced in Utah proposing natural organic reduction, also known as human composting, as an alternative to traditional burial methods. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Jen Plumb, D-Salt Lake, aims to give Utahns the choice of converting human remains into composting soil through a process known as terramation. This process, taking place in licensed funeral homes, is considered more energy-efficient and doesn’t require the use of land. The bill, if passed, would go into effect on May 1, allowing families the option of receiving soil from their loved ones for scattering. However, there are limitations, as this option would not be available in cases of death from Ebola, tuberculosis, or prion diseases. Plumb emphasized the need for caution in adopting new processes.

According to Recompose, a terramation facility in Seattle Washington, human composting is currently legal in seven states and bills have been introduced in fourteen, of which Utah is one.

There are so many great reasons why human composting is a better alternative to chemical preservation and burial, cremation and aquamation.

  • Energy Efficiency: It uses much less energy than any traditional methods.
  • Land Conservation: A suitable option for urban settings where land is at a premium.
  • Emotional Connection: Those who feel a strong connection to nature can have their remains returned to the earth to provide sustenance for shrubs and trees. Casting the remains can be an environmentally friendly way of memorializing the deceased.

Check the link below with Recompose to find out if it’s available in your state. Learn how to help get the ball rolling in your state if it’s not yet available!

Caitlin Doughty of “Ask a Mortician” on YouTube did a very informative video on Human Composting with Katrina Spade of Recompose. Check it out here.

Featured Image Photo Credit CNBC

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