Join GreenYes List!
Please consider joining GreenYes, a google group that is dedicated to Zero Waste professionals in cities, counties, states, provinces and countries world-wide. This is a great place to ask and answer questions regarding composting, carbon farming, carbon sequestration, backyard composting, civic composting and more. All GreenYes posts are open to the public, so if you have questions about composting, there’s a good chance your question has already been answered more than once on the GreenYes group. You may find it saves you time if you search for your answers in the previous list posts before posting.
Check out GreenYes today!
GreenYes List is a project started by Zero Waste USA (formerly GrassRoots Recycling Network) way back in the 1997. It has been going strong ever since.
Photo Credit: Photo by Lenka Dzurendova on Unsplash